Estimate a Lyft Fare

Instantly calculate your Lyft fare! Simply enter a starting point and destination to get started.

Drive for Lyft

Ready to become a Lyft Driver? Register as a driver here and get your driver sign-up bonus up to $1,200.

What is Lyft?

Lyft is a transportation network company that allows you to hail a private car service with the tap of a button from your phone app. Lyft is a U.S. based ridesharing competitor to Uber.

Lyft Estimate

Our Lyft fare estimator it incredibly easy to use anywhere there Lyft taxis are available. Not only do we display the prices for each available car service in your area, but real-time route traffic conditions are shown and factored in as well. Our Lyft fare estimator provides extremely accurate Lyft price estimates; For every ride. All you need to do to get a Lyft estimate of the fare immediately is to select your pickup location and destination.

Check Lyft Availability, Compare Car Types & Fares

Which Lyft options are available to you? How much does Lyft cost? Which Lyft car service is cheaper?
RideAnyWay helps compare Lyft options for your next ride in the US:

Travelling in the US? Need a Lyft fare estimate? Our Lyft estimator will find the best taxi options for you to get around cheaply and safely.

For example, browse all Lyft rates by city or check Lyft rates in popular cities:

Lyft Atlanta, GA       Lyft Austin, TX       Lyft Baltimore, MD       Lyft Boston, MA       Lyft Buffalo, NY       Lyft Charlotte, NC       Lyft Chicago, IL       Lyft Clearwater, FL       Lyft Dallas, TX       Lyft Denver, CO       Lyft Fort Lauderdale, FL       Lyft Fort Myers, FL       Lyft Houston, TX       Lyft Jacksonville, FL       Lyft Kissimmee, FL       Lyft Lakeland, FL       Lyft Las Vegas, NV       Lyft Los Angeles, CA       Lyft Miami, FL       Lyft Minneapolis, MN       Lyft Nashville, TN       Lyft New York, NY       Lyft Newark, NJ       Lyft Oakland, CA       Lyft Orlando, FL       Lyft Philadelphia, PA       Lyft Phoenix, AZ       Lyft Port St. Lucie, FL       Lyft Portland, OR       Lyft Rochester, NY       Lyft San Antonio, TX       Lyft San Diego, CA       Lyft San Francisco, CA       Lyft San Jose, CA       Lyft Seattle, WA       Lyft St. Louis, MO       Lyft Tampa, FL       Lyft Tucson, AZ       Lyft Washington, DC       Lyft West Palm Beach, FL